Early in the year a frightened cat named Max came to KVHS after his owner passed away. This hap-pens, sometimes, and it is heartbreaking. We try to fill the void, but beloved animals are suddenly thrust into a new world where their human – the center of their universe – is suddenly gone and they are in a new and scary place. We do our best to fill their days with love, but loss is hard for all of us.
Max was scared, shy, and slow to make new friends. As with every animal in our care, we didn’t give up; sometimes the hardest cases are the sweetest victories. We spent weeks and then months working with Max, and he slowly began to trust new people. Eventually, he was ready to try again with a new family. His original home had been a quiet one with only one adult.
Much to our surprise, his second chance home was a family with two young children, and it was a perfect fit. Max’s connection to the children was immediate and undeniable. He is now a cherished family cat and spends his days enjoying tummy rubs and chasing toys.