168 Leighton Road, Augusta, ME 04330
(207) 626-3491

“Just ONE Litter!”

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The Kennebec Valley Humane Society (KVHS) is pleased to announce the formal launch of a new colorable storybook, “Just ONE Litter!” This book was written and illustrated by Leane Morin, a professional children’s book illustrator and member of the KVHS Board of Directors. With support and input from Project Manager Kim Nixon, the Education Committee, and local teachers and parents, Leane designed this educational storybook in the form of a very detailed coloring book. The story revolves around one kitten at a shelter and shows, through pictures and text, how one unneutered cat can literally produce thousands of potentially homeless kittens. The underlying message is a social issue. Many people are unaware of the extent of the homeless animal population across the nation and the need for spay/neuter.

This project was made possible by a grant from the Elmina B. Sewall Foundation. The objective of the project is education. The mission is to help educate kids about the importance of spay/neuter. In 2018, every 4th grade student in Kennebec County was provided with a copy of the colorable storybook in their classroom.

The book is a high quality recycled paper, softcover book with fully colorable pages inside.  It is 11″ x 8.5″ with 40 pages.  The back pages are filled with fun learning activities and teaching content for parents or teachers.

Purchase the coloring book here

Contact us for wholesale pricing at justonelitter@pethavenlane.org

About the Author

Leane Morin is the primarily self-taught illustrator of two award-winning books: Shy Mama’s Halloween and The Carpet Boy’s Gift. She loves kids, animals, and the Kennebec Valley Humane Society. Leane is the mother of three amazing children, and is a Nana, which is her favorite thing to be! Leane and her oldest daughter Kate have at-shirt and greeting card company called Painted Turtle Illustration. Leane lives in Augusta, Maine, with her sweetheart and their ginormous rescue dog, Jax.


About Us

Members of the KVHS“JustONELitter!” Book Committee:

Kim Nixon, Leane Morin, Paula Bourque, Dania Frost Price, Erika Bush, Megan Batchelder, Marie Barengo, DVM, Jennifer Howe, and Hillary Roberts.

We want to extend our sincere and heartfelt thanks to the following people who helped make “Just ONE Litter!” a reality: The KVHS “Just ONE Litter!” Book Committee, KVHS staff,  and the many teachers, parents, and individuals who contributed in some way: Philomena, Jasmine, Devin, Kara, Jennifer, Robin, Joe, Kate, Ivy, Kelley, Amber, Sandy, Jessica, Marcia, Micheal, Genevieve, and author/educator Margy Burns Knight.

An extra special thank you to Hillary Roberts, Executive Director of KVHS, not only for her dedication to this project, but also for her commitment to Kennebec Valley Humane Society and its vision of ending pet overpopulation and advancing the humane treatment of all animals.