Ham came to the Kennebec Valley Humane Society in September as a transport dog from Georgia. He came up with littermates, all bouncing bundles of puppy joy. At KVHS, it was quickly noted that Ham was different. Occasional shortness of breath and some lethargy led to one doctor’s appointment, which led to another, which led to a specialist visit and EKG. Leading doctors in veterinary medicine in Maine determined that Ham has Pulmonic Stenosis. This means that one of the valves in his heart is too tight, and can’t function properly. If untreated, Ham would die. The only treatment is a surgery called a balloon valvuloplasty. This surgery isn’t performed in Maine, and the nearest option for Ham is at Tufts Veterinary Medical School in Massachusetts. The surgery will cost over $5,000 but will allow Ham a happy and healthy life, instead of only a few months or weeks left to live.
Knowing that times are tough and dollars are stretched thin all around, KVHS turned to a longtime partner and friend, Old Dogs New Digs. This rescue is known for heart, compassion, and providing second chances to some of most at risk and in need dogs in Maine. Old Dogs New Digs and KVHS together created a plan to jointly fundraise for Ham, care for him, and tell his story as far and wide as possible.
The great news is that we raised the money, arranged the transport, found a loving foster family to care for him before surgery and during recovery, and then we simply did the right thing. We saved the life of a puppy, who now continues to rest and recover in loving arms . Ham now has a bright, healthy future – thanks to generous donors like you.
PUPDATE: Ham was adopted by his loving foster family is now living a normal healthy puppy life full of playtime and lots of snuggles!