Learn More About Our Capital Campaign

It’s all about the Happily Ever Afters!
Case Statement
It is vital to shelter and community animals that KVHS increases capacity to provide cutting edge care and an enriching environment for homeless animals and a space for community members to learn about humane treatment of animals and access affordable care for pets. The vision for KVHS’s future is to serve the needs of shelter animals, community pets, and humans in the community who love and care for animals.
In the current space, KVHS is restricted in care and activities for the community. KVHS has outdated kennels that do not provide a low stress environment or enrichment for animals, extremely limited space for adopters to visit with shelter pets, very little outdoor space for exercise and playtime for both dogs and volunteers, and limited space to provide capacity for animals in dire need to be transported out of high euthanasia areas in southern states.
In terms of the humans who love animals, KVHS has no current ability to provide public services due to both limited space and deed restrictions. In a new space, KVHS could provide public vaccination clinics, public spay neuter services, and space for outreach programs for school groups, civic groups, and other community members.
A new facility would create a pathway to the future that allows KVHS to provide the best care, opportunity, and promise to animals and the humans who love them. It’s all about the happily ever afters!
The Time is Now… But Why?
For those closest to the daily work of the Kennebec Valley Humane Society, it is clear that a new facility is desperately needed. The daily challenges impact animals, staff, volunteers, visitors, and the potential that each program offered by KVHS has. The time is now for a new facility due to the consistent failings of the current facility.
This includes:
- Outdated, stressful kennel and room designs
- Extremely limited space for outdoor exercise and playtime for dogs with no additional outdoor space to expand on
- Limited space to provide life-saving transport opportunity for animals that need to be moved out of high euthanasia areas in southern states.
- No dedicated space for programing such as dog training, youth programming and activities, volunteer trainings, or community & humane education.
- No dedicated space for temperament tests and behavioral modification.A small surgery suite that cannot provide spay neuter surgery to animals over 25 pounds due to the very limited space and no area for the animals to recover under the supervision and care of a veterinarian.
- No ability to provide public service to community members, such as low cost spay neuter or vaccine clinics for their pets due to deed restrictions at the current facility.
The time is now to support the current and long term needs of animals in the care of KVHS, animals in the community with unmet medical and behavioral needs, and for community members and their families to have a welcoming place to visit that provides pet adoption, animal education, and a shared vision of love and advocacy for our dogs, cats, and other small and furry animals